Restoration and Healing

 Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm a day late....

I'm joining Peggy for 'Friday Feature'--claiming one of the many promises our Father God has given us as my own.

This week, this promise has been fulfilled in me:

For I will restore you to health
And I will heal you of your wounds, declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 30:17a (NASB)

These past two months have been a trying time for me....not feeling well...unable to eat many foods...abdominal pain which comes more than it goes....and the most trying of all is the 'not knowing' what is truly causing these symptoms.

Yesterday, I had a procedure which revealed the cause of my problems.  In the back of my mind, there was lurking the possibility that all of the symptoms put together could be a cancer growing within me. 

And I allowed this grow...bringing it to God, but not fully releasing this to Him....

I was to be at the hospital at 8:30 for a procedure at 10 a.m.  I was up early, couldn't sleep, and the anxiety that came with these thoughts, the procedure awaiting me, the outcome of the procedure...well, I'll just put it simply...I felt overwhelmed with anxiety.

I was alone in my one to talk with to help focus my mind elsewhere...

Yes, I prayed....prayed and prayed...and still the restlessness and feelings stayed with me.

At 7:30 a.m., my friend arrived...much earlier than expected.  And, she was an answer to my prayer.  She came into my home...we talked, and I told her how anxious I was feeling about this whole day. 

Just the telling of this to someone, helped alleviate my fears.  God sent her to me.....I could talk with her and through her being here, I felt the presence of God as peace in my heart and mind

Many wounds from my past have been healed through the blood of Jesus.  There are many hurts that have just been swept away. 

But, as all of us are...I am still a work in progress...still walking along on my journey....and how easy it is to slip and fall in the lies of the enemy...allowing him to steal my peace and joy. 

That is exactly what I was doing by jumping to false conclusions....worrying about the outcome of something that had not yet even happened.....

This is not the way God wants us to live...

He wants to be omnipresent in our lives....

He wants us to seek Him for comfort and guidance....

He wants to heal our hurts and wounds....

But, we have to seek Him.....develop our intimate relationship with Him...remain in constant contact with Him through our prayers and our everyday lives...ever seeking to be closer and closer.

Yes, I did have the procedure.

No, it was not the cancer I thought may be lurking there.

What I have is irritable bowel syndrome....not something that is enjoyable by any means....but, this is the best case scenario for the symptoms I have.

This can be controlled through medication, diet, and reducing my stress level.....

And yesterday, I gave thanks to my Father for my friend arriving early...her staying with me and supporting me through this procedure....her love for me shining through...

I gave thanks for the many prayers that were offered to God for me...

I gave thanks for the good news of my diagnosis, and God's powerful and mighty Hand steering my course.

Most of all, I gave thanks for Jesus...the One who sacrificed all for me.....and you.

For it is by His wounds that we are healed.


Peggy July 23, 2011 at 12:37 PM  

And by His stripes Beth is healed...

Blessings Beth... This is a wonderful verse to claim and stand on. He will restore more of your health and heal all your hurts! He is God (we are not), He is in control (we are not), He is the Healer (and we are His healed)!

You shared beautifully and gave a good testimony. Also of the importance of friends that come along side us! Beautiful thanks giving! I looked at that flower(?)and thought mistakenly that it had thistles like a cactus.
I have no idea what plant this is though the purple is pretty. The thistles reminded me that
only God can remove those thistles, one at a time. Or maybe all at once. Yet still this looks pretty on the outside. It's the danger of the thistles and being concerned about it. If it is a cactus plant, it survives the dryness and even blossoms and flourishes. But if and when it withers, dries up, God is ready to pour His Living water to heal and restore. This purple glory shines His loving restoration just like you. I'm so glad it's over. Holding on that all the anxiety leaves also in Jesus' Name... claim these promises at Scripture Now or HERE

I linked you up... I'm so glad that you chose this PROMISE of GOD and watched it grow and all other stuff diminish and disappear... free: health restored and healing being refreshed.

Love and peace,

From the Heart July 23, 2011 at 3:35 PM  

Beth, that is so wonderful. Isn't is great that God always meets us just at the right time. If you've read my Friday Feature, you will know that I have battled fear for years but I'll claiming victory over that through God in the name of Jesus.

So glad you joined us for this meme.

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