God Whispers

 Monday, July 4, 2011

These were the most awesome clouds...taken a few weeks ago.  The colors just took my breath away!!

And the moon on that same evening.  I don't think you can see them, but there are firelies all among the trees--flickering on and off. 

Two cats--Scout and Miles--lounging....

My daylilly--which finally bloomed!!

Lydia, Jackson and Brooklyn--one of the very few times that actually sat yesterday....

Yesterday was hot--over 90 degrees--and very, very humid.  We cooked outside and ate inside.  Lindsay took command of the grill, and she was drenched by the time she finished.  I would have taken a picture of her fanning herself with a paper plate, but she declined this opportunity. 

Brooklyn did ask "if this a cook-out, why are we eating inside?"  I told her that we did "cook out", but that it was just too hot to eat outside...that some of us are old and prefer air conditioning.

Which led to the discussion of all of our ages....she checked out Lindsay and Cara's age....which she could accept since they are about the same age as her mom. 

She then proceeded to ask me how old I was.  I countered this with "How old do you think I am?"--a loaded question to be sure.  She said she thought I was 50. 

Close quess, but when I told her that I was actually 57, her response was "WOW!!  That's almost into the 60's!!!"  We all laughed.

Brooklyn and Jackson came into our family along with Andrew's girlfriend, Danielle.  We love and enjoy them so much--very active, fun-loving kids.  For some reason, they both have decided to call me "B"...just "B"...and I kind of like this...

A good day, to be sure...and Lydia, upon getting ready to go home, said to me in this order....

More kisses
More hugs
Love you (which really sounds like 'of you' since she is still having a bit of trouble with "L's")

The very best part of this day was this:

All of my kids and myself together once again--no harsh words, no mean looks, no tears, no one leaving in frustration or anger--just all of us together--enjoying each other's company. 

What a change can be made in our lives when we listen and obey as God is whispering into our hearts and minds......


pam July 5, 2011 at 9:08 AM  

YAY for a blessed day of peace. I hear you on the HEAT. The humidity is what does me in some days. We had a zillion fireflies zooming around last night while we waited for the fireworks to start. Hope you have a good week Beth!

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