Seeking Shelter

 Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday has rolled around again....

I opened my Bible to the Psalms this morning...randomly...and these verses are what I read:

God is our refuge and our strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear, even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea....Psalm 46:1-2 NLT

If you've been following along with me, you'll know that I recently had periods of anxiety...anxiety that was so strong that walking through a door--yes, even thinking about walking through that door--brought me legs of rubber, shaking hands, a feeling in my chest that was overwhelming me.

This went on for several weeks.  Then, I met with some friends...we talked....we prayed about this situation....prayed blessings over this place.


I arrive.  I sit in my car and again pray blessings over this place.  Then, I walk on strong and steady legs to the door.  I put my key in the door but do not turn it.

Close my eyes...hand on the key...and say outloud--

"God, I need You to go before me into this place.  Walk in front of me and I will follow.  Guide me and lead me."

All I can say is--anxiety gone, pressures gone, and a feeling of peace has entered my heart and mind.

Thank You, God, for walking in front of me.  Thank You for leading me and guiding me.  Thank You for the peace that You have instilled in my heart and mind.  Let me be a shining light to others so that they can also experience Your peace.

strong as a lion; weak as a lamb


Chosen in Faith

 Sunday, August 7, 2011

I was driving home one day last week, and I heard two songs which greatly touched the point of tears:

Furthermore, because of Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for He chose us from the beginning, and all things happen just as He decided long ago....Ephesians 1:11 NLT

Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us....James 1:27 NLT

I will declare that Your love stands firm forever, that You established Your faithfulness in Heaven itself...Psalm 89:2 NIV

strong as a lion; weak as a lamb


True and Faithful

 Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am joining Peggy for her 'Friday Focus'.  The promise of God that I am claiming as my own this week is:

For the word of the LORD is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does..Psalm 33:4 (NIV)

God IS faithful.

God IS true.

God NEVER changes.

God NEVER lies.

God IS worthy of our trust.

I have had 'trust issues' for a great deal of my life.  My trust has been broken in relationships here on this earth time and time again. 

Words spoken into my heart and mind.....actions taken that hurt so much that I felt I could not function....

And these words and actions were lies about myself that I began to believe....untruths that I took into my very being until I felt that these were the truth....

Words that evoke feelings of :







And the list could go on and on...

In the devotional that goes along with this photo, the words are written:

If we struggle to believe that God's word is true and we cannot trust Him completely, then we are in effect doubting God's very character. Every time we question God's Word or His goodness, we are agreeing with the Father of Lies and the continual accusations he brings against God. Just as this would hurt an earthly father, I believe that it deeply grieves the Father of Lights.

I am happy to say that many of these lies and feelings associated with them have been broken....broken by healing through Jesus Christ....a long journey of prayer and listening to God's speaking the truth to me. 

My journey is far from over....will never be over until I see Jesus face to face....

And I pray the prayer that is written in the devotional:

My prayer today is that Holy Spirit would make us aware of the unbelieving thoughts that come into our mind and we would break any power of agreement with them, for the Word of the LORD is right and we can trust everything that He does!

strong as a lion; weak as a lamb



 Wednesday, August 3, 2011

And it is Wednesday already......

The past few days have gone by in a, meetings, sleep....

I've been pondering on the verse I posted on Monday, and concentrating on all things good, lovely, pure, worthy of praise. 

As I've been thinking of these, the doldrums have passed and joy is filling my heart and mind.  I can feel the difference in myself--not only emotionally, but also physically--I have been pain free for the past two days!!

And this in itself is a big praise!!  I'm still watching my diet very carefully, and gradually adding some things back into my diet with good results....and I am very thankful for this.

Peggy left a comment regarding whether it was too early to remind me of CHRISTmas.  No, it's not too early....I should have been working on this CHRISTmas starting on December 26th of last year!!

I've been searching for ideas for my girls, Andrew's Danielle, and now--three children to make something for. 

The search continues...although I do think I have found something that Cara would like.  I'm running out of ideas having made their gifts for so many years. 

Mittens for all three kids....they will all need new mittens for the winter...and beyond that I am clueless. 

Guess I'd better be keeping my eyes and ears open for hints dropped here and there from them....

Have a wonderful day in Him....

strong as a lion; weak as a lamb


The Way to Think

 Monday, August 1, 2011

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworty--think about such things....Philippians 4:8

strong as a lion; weak as a lamb